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Closing the Semester Strong: Essential Tips for Online Instructors

As the semester comes to a close, online instructors have the unique opportunity to leave a lasting impression on their students while ensuring the smooth completion of all academic and administrative tasks.

1. Post a final week announcement.

This announcement should provide students with a clear summary of final deliverables, deadlines, surveys and the course end date. Incorporating elements of reflection, such as prompts for students to consider what they have learned this semester and how they can apply it in the future, adds a meaningful touch.

2. Plan ahead and complete your final grades.

Completing all grading promptly and providing quality feedback ensures students understand their performance and can address any last-minute concerns.

3. Wrap up your course communications.

At the end of the last week, make sure to wrap up all course communications with a final announcement. Include a final request to complete the SPOT evaluation, ask students to download/print any work they wish to keep as they will lose access to the course in eCampus shortly after the end date, and finish all emails and discussion posts.

4. Submit grades.

Plan ahead by checking the due dates for grade submissions, as outlined in the institution’s academic calendar - West Virginia University – Office of the University Registrar 12 Month Calendar January 2024 – December 2024. Tools like GradeSync can streamline this process. Check out the CAHS Technical Tutorials & Tips: Grading (scroll down to Grading: End of Term) for links to Graduate and Undergraduate grade information and GradeSync help).

5. Reflect on your own teaching experience and plan for future offerings.

Complete the Online Instructor Feedback Form (if you taught a CAHS Online designed course) or reflect on its questions to gain valuable insights and improve your course for future offerings. This final step not only contributes to the continuous enhancement of online education but also serves as an opportunity for instructors to evaluate their successes and identify areas for growth. By thoughtfully concluding the semester, online instructors can ensure a rewarding experience for both themselves and their students, paving the way for future success.

By closing the semester with clear communication, thoughtful reflection, and proactive planning, you can leave a lasting impact on their students and set the stage for even greater success in future courses.

For more details about end of semester tasks, check out the CAHS Delivering Your Online Course resource.